The following is feedback received about a particular dating profile which was written by a particular marketing professional:
Very amusing profile, it certainly made me laugh as I was reading it.
I... I... don't even know what to do with your profile. So I had to message you. I kind of like how different you seem. In a good way. I think.
First of all, thank you for having such a candid and entertaining profile! It really cut through the droll of this site!!
Your profile IS very entertaining, and your screen name is hilarious. In fact, I'm positive that I read your profile once before and was entertained then also.
Wow, this is a unique profile and I have to ask you, I usually don't write messages but I want my bonus email and I chose the (B) one "10 Reasons Why I'll Never Date You"! =)
Haha! You certainly can sell! Did you learn that at school or you're just a natural?
Hi. You have a written a great profile. I smiled mainly during the whole thing until I started laughing at the free gift bit.
Hi there. I can honestly say that you've created a unique profile - it has a clear structure and organization to it and asserts a strong personality which I find both similar to mine and incredibly appealing. In short, you seem to have a firm grasp of who you are and what you expect from women who respond to you. While I am acutely aware of our difference in age you seem like someone I could actually have an intelligent conversation with. No hard feelings if you feel differently. Hope to hear from you soon.
Compliments for your profile, it's hard to beat your eloquence.
What a refreshing profile... You seem to have a good sense of yourself. That is attractive.
You must be really amazing at your marketing job. Your profile is outstanding.
I choose (B) "10 Reasons Why I'll Never Date You"
I choose (B) "10 Reasons Why I'll Never Date You"
Refreshing one.
I love the "I'm awesome, so please don't be weird" vibe of your profile.
I love your observations and critiques of profiles.
I enjoyed the wit & warmth of your profile...intrigued to learn more.
Very interesting and slightly intense profile.
I'd say by far. One of the best profiles ever on here. :).
Read nearly all of your profile and had fun doing it... inspired by the time you've invested to market yourself with such on point clarity. happy to know there are intelligent, kind, compassionate, balanced, confident, adventurous men in this matrix. at least, this is what you convey. new friendships with like-minded people sounds like a dream...
I truly enjoyed reading your profile-it was considerably captivating. I couldn't help but read it in its entirety!
You get the prize for the most organized, easy-to-read profile on OkCupid. Well done 🙂
Hi, I feel a nice connection with you after reading your profile. I would love to hear back from you.
That was a thoroughly entertaining profile read! Brava!
Interesting approach to your profile and very entertaining.
I thought your profile was very sweet. And it made me smile. I'm Jessica.
Hello. 🙂 You are definitely intriguing, and I can't decide which was more fun: reading your profile or looking at your cats.
Great profile. A novel to entertain the masses on the commute home. In all seriousness, I enjoyed it.
I liked how different your approach was. Plus you seem to know what you want. I liked how your voice came through on your profile. I value individualism. There's a certain amount of honesty and letting one's guard down slightly to achieve that - pretty rare in this city.
I love your username. It's hilarious. I liked your profile too, the funny parts were very funny.
Ahahahahah.. I honestly had a really good laugh while reading your profile!
Amazing profile 🙂
Haha your profile would make a great infomercial for "man to date" product 😛
All kidding aside, your profile is really great. You sound fun, you seem to know what you want and seem smart, kind and compassionate.
The profile is an impeccable read, well penned.
I sometimes have a low opinion of people in marketing, but you clearly do it very well! That was hysterical. Thanks for the LOLs.
Wow hysterical! would love to chat sometime if you're interested.